
When is it Time to Seek Emergency Dental Care?

There are times when you experience a particular dental problem, and you cannot seek help from a professional right away because it is off the working hours of the office. As you might already be aware, whenever there is a problem or a concern, it never really happens at the convenience of the person. 

However, now the question is how can you know whether the issue that you are facing really needs emergency care or if you can wait until you finally go to the dentist. In St. Paul, there are many emergency dental services available. 

You can also contact a professional through a video call and get to know what you can do to get relief from the problem until you finally visit the dental office. You need to be aware of what exactly comes under a dental emergency. 

In this way, you would know whether your issue requires immediate attention from a dentist, or it can wait for hours or days until you finally get proper treatment. A dentist in St. Paul can help you overcome dental issues. 

What are the symptoms of a dental emergency?

There are various dental symptoms that indicate a dental emergency; some of those symptoms are listed below:

  • Bleeding that is not in control:

If you are noticing that bleeding is relatively frequent and is not in your control, even if you are applying pressure on it, then you need attention from a professional immediately. This is required so that you can control the blood loss.

  • Excruciating dental pain:

If there is pain in your tooth or gum line, and it is pretty severe, then you need intervention from a dentist. Furthermore, if the pain is combined with fever, then you definitely need to seek proper dental treatment for it.

  • Dental abscesses:

If you notice that there is a formation of us in your gum line area, swelling is also present, and fever is present, then you need to go for emergency dental care.

  • Fracture in a tooth:

If your teeth have become loose, or they are broken, or there is a fracture in your teeth, then searching for a thing cannot be ignored or delayed. Even if the tooth is stripped or slightly broken yet, you need to get it checked by a dentist.

What are the dental symptoms that are considered non-urgent?

There are various things associated with your oral health that do not really require urgent care. Dental care or emergency dental care right away. Some of them are listed below:

  • Sensitivity in the tooth, whenever you have something cold or hot.
  • A tooth that has lost the crown or is broken. 
  • Toothache, which is mild or of moderate level.
  • Staining teeth is caused by consuming different food items or by some issue.
  • A dental appliance that has become loose due to any reason.
  • Dental Fillings that are broken or have become lost.

These types of symptoms can wait out until the dental office hours open. They do not require immediate attention from a professional.

When should you seek emergency dental care?

It is essential that you seek proper treatment when needed instead of delaying it and making those minor issues the big ones. It is not only going to be costing you a lot, but the treatment will also be more complex and extensive. 

  • Unrelenting pain and toothache:

The kind of pain that does not go away, even after hours, keeps on coming back, making it really uncomfortable for the person to cope with it.

  • Pain that is spreading to other areas: 

If the swelling that was only restricted to your tooth or gums is now spreading to other areas of your face, it can be your cheeks or neck area, and then that requires immediate dental care.

Seek prompt treatment!

The importance of seeking dental care at the right time cannot be fixated enough. You need to seek proper dental care for even the issues that seem minor to you because there are times when the issues seem to be small and have some underlying dental problem going on.